Remembring Doorkins

Created by David 4 years ago

Visiting Southwark Cathedral has always been something I did - popping in whenever I passed. In recent years there was an extra dimension to visits: spotting Doorkins.

I loved seeing her - this streetcat somehow had a sense of the divine, carelessly and regardlessly choosing moments in services to make appearances (or were they well-timed?!), rather disdainfully observing visitors, always demonstrating that this House of God was *her* place, knowing she belonged. 

She possessed her various sleeping places, didn't much care for attention, yet was loved and appreciated by so many.

She had days dedicated to her and fellow felines (which I was honoured to host), had books and poems and meditations written about her and featured on calendars, souvenirs and even the architecture. 

So long, Magnificat. We enjoyed walking the sacred and secular paths with you! 

Revd David Guest
