An elegant lady
Created by Sheila 4 years ago
Doorkins Magnificat was not a fluffy wuffy pussums type of cat - she was her own self and if you didn't have due regard for her personal space, a sharp reminder could be delivered. But approach her gently, respectfully and you would be received gracefully. I met her in August 2019, introduced by my friend Rosie, not long before she had to leave the cathedral. I was allowed to make a little fuss of her, as she basked in a shaft of sunlight, but she drew the line at posing for a photo, constantly in motion or facing the wrong way. I was honoured to be received by her. I have no faith but I do believe that she will have brought some to the cathedral to see her, only for them to find something else within those hallowed walls, imbued with the force of past piety. Thank you so much to Paul for his tender care of her in those final months and to Andrew for his beautiful tribute. Rest amongst the saints Doorkins, I'm sure St Gertrude will keep you in treats. Sheila Topham.
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